FBT Business Environment (Part-1) & Instructions » Tabani’s Ecademy
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FBT Business Environment (Part-1) & Instructions

Important Instructions:

  1. These are Revision Video Lectures in which teachers have the most important parts of the course. Duration approximately 25-30 Hours
  2. Quizzes and Exam kits are to be solved after watching the video lectures.
  3. One Live query session can be schedules on student’s request
  4. After attempting all the quizzes, you can attempt the ACCA Education Hub Mocks. For that you need to request for the access on the below mentioned WhatsApp number.
  5. Details required for Education Hub Mocks are: ACCA Registration Number, Name, Father Name and Email Address
  6. If you have any query regarding syllabus you can contact on this WhatsApp number (+923238790894)
  7. Join the WhatsApp group using the below mentioned link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GnAZnq3BlpcEorboOcFRO4